A Purification Prayer

Pure in the light of my Powers, I stand pure in my praise today.

Cleansed in the waters and fires of devotion,
and with a heart and mind filled with thanks,
I entreat these Powers for their blessing and protection.

May I be shielded with a shield of alder
wielded by a Giant with strong arms;[1]
May I be protected by the black wings
of Scaldcrows and Ravens circling above;[2]
May I be supported by the mercy
of Mothers remembered in carved stone;[3]
May I have as my guardian the Hound
of a smith’s fort, ferocious;[4]
May I have at my back the shining armor
of a King Who is the Son of the Dawn;[5]
May I have as my defense the One
Whose falcon wings encircle the moon;[6]
May I stand guarded in a temple
of a Lord Whose temple cannot be destroyed;[7]
and May my words be as a libation
of fine sweet Wine poured out in flowing streams.[8]

I am blessed by a Shining Voice
spoken from between eagle’s wings;[9]
I am favored by Feet firm on the earth
because of a bull-horned benefactor;[10]
I am strong with a sword in hand
made from the spear of a liberator
tossed to the Drowned amidst a river;[11]
I am warmed under the light
of a Fire Unknowable in its power;[12]
I am joyous with the dance
of a Fox-Tailed Trickster who feeds me
on the wedges of apples;[13]
I am an offering poured out
as Honey Into Darkness.[14]

By Three Divine Boys may I be protected;[15]
By Three Foster-Sons may I be defended;[16]
By an Imperial Couple may I be shielded—[17]
From every harm of miasma,
from every taint of impiety,
from every stain of broken vows.

By the waters of Pure Rivers
and the Pure People Who dwelled upon Them
and Who are the Ancestors In and Of The Land,
may I be bathed and may I be blessed
with safety and protection and strength.

I pray this by all of my Deities, Spirits, Ancestors, and Powers,
[name as many of Them as you wish/as possible!],
and by the Heroes and Deities Who have made the way before me.

Hail to the Powers, Hail and thanks, and may They be hailed again!

[written by P. Sufenas Virius Lupus, August 2016]

[1]Bendigeidfran/Bran the Blessed

[2]The Morrígan

[3]The Matronae

[4]Cú Chulainn

[5]Memnon son of Eos and Tithonos


[7]Ba’al Shamin


[9]Panpsyche of the Tetrad++

[10]Panhyle of the Tetrad++

[11]Paneros of the Tetrad++

[12]Pancrates of the Tetrad++

[13]Paneris of the Tetrad++

[14]Panprosdexia of the Tetrad++

[15]The Treískouroi:  Antinous, Vibullius Polydeukion, Lucius Marius Vitalis

[16]The Trophimoi of Herodes Attikos:  Achilles, Memnon Topádein, Vibullius Polydeukion

[17]The Divine Hadrian and The Divine Sabina

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